Materiality Assessment
We conducted a materiality assessment in accordance with the GRI Standards to identify material issues that may affect our overall sustainability and select topics for the report. To this end, we created a pool of issues based on the results of analysis on internal and external environment with focus on international standard analysis, benchmarking of leading companies, and media research, and assessed the business impact and stakeholder interest. As a result, we selected three key issues and ten material issues. This report was prepared to share our activities and progress and maintain close communication with our stakeholders.
Analysis of external environment | ||
Analysis of external environment | Bench- marking |
International standard analysis |
Media research |
Stakeholder survey |
Analysis of internal environment | ||
Analysis of internal environment | Internal data review |
Employee survey |
Select 33 ESG-related issues | |
Analysis of stakeholders’ interest |
Analysis of impact on business |
Scoring materiality by issue |
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Select 3 key issues and 7 material issues | ||
Key issues 1 | Promoting green business and investment |
Key issues 2 | Responding to climate change | |
Key issues 3 | Reducing wastes and supporting circular economy |
The key ESG issues selected as a result of the materiality assessment are 'Green business and investment', 'Response to climate change' and 'Waste reduction and circular economy'. We have also added a topic, 'Upgrading Governance to the Global Level', in the Focus Area section to share the progress we have made in innovating governance since 2021. Further information about these issues can be found in the Focus Areas chapter. We also included information about our activities and progress related to seven other issues in this report and the ESG Performance Report.

- 비즈니스 영향도(Relevance) > 이해관계자 관심도 (Impact) : 글로벌 경쟁력 강화, 제품안전 강화, 재무 건전성 확보, 발전적 노사관계 건축
- 비즈니스 영향도(Relevance) = 이해관계자 관심도 (Impact) : 협력사 동반성장, 9. 공정한 채용 및 성과보상 (신규)
- 비즈니스 영향도(Relevance) < 이해관계자 관심도 (Impact) : 인적자원 개발 및 관리, 투명하고 건전한 지배구조 확립, 개인정보보호, 3. 폐기물 감축 및 순환 경제 실현(UP), 5. 협력사 ESG 관리 강화(UP), 6. 임직원 인권 관리(UP), 10. 임직원 복리후생 강화(신규), 7. 윤리경영·공정거래, 8. 산업안전보건 관리
- 비즈니스 영향도(Relevance)와 이해관계자 관심도 (Impact)가 모두 많은 경우 : 1. 친환경 사업 및 투자 확대(세분화), 2. 기후변화 대응(세분화), 4. 지역사회 참여 및 공헌(UP)